8 Seasonal Foods That Promote Bone Health

8 Seasonal Foods That Promote Bone Health

When it comes to taking care of bone and joint health, nutrition plays a major role. People with arthritis should be even more concerned about this aspect. Joint inflammation and soreness in the joint could be among the most common symptoms experienced by arthritis patients. Here are a few seasonal food items that are actually good for joint health and are effective in minimizing arthritis symptoms.

1. Kale in Winter
Winters can be particularly uncomfortable for people with rheumatoid arthritis as the joint inflammation gets worse. But including kale in your meal plan can help. Vitamins C and K1 in kale help in reducing inflammation in the joints. This food can easily be added to your salads or slow roasted to make some delicious kale chips for snacks.

2. Brussels Sprouts in Winter
Brussel sprouts are packed with fiber besides vitamin C and folate. This food is another winter vegetable that every arthritic should include in their fod regime. Including this food helps in keeping you active even during the harsh winter days.

3. Blackberries in Summer
Freshly picked blackberries make wonderful snacks and can be used as toppings for yogurt. These foods are loaded with antioxidants and can be very effective against joint inflammation.

4. Watermelon in Summer
Lycopene and other antioxidants in watermelon are known to be effective against arthritis symptoms. They are easy to find in summer and they also help in preventing dehydration which can be bad for the joints.

5. Broccoli in Spring
Vitamin C in broccoli can be effective in boosting the natural immunity of the body. This food is also good for arthritis-induced joint pain.

6. Collard Greens in Spring
You might already know that green vegetables generally make more excellent choices to include for bone and joint health. Collard greens, in particular, are powerhouses of nutrients that are good for the bones and joints.

7.  Beets in Fall
Beetroots are the other major sources of antioxidants. From eliminating oxidative stress to alleviating inflammation in the joints, beetroots are great for bone and joint health. This food makes for wonderful ingredients for a colorful smoothie and can also be consumed roasted.

8. Spinach in Fall
Spinach is one of the rarest sources of nutrients like provitamin A. It is also loaded with calcium and magnesium, which play a critical part in bone health. Adding them to your morning smoothie or your lunch salad helps you manage arthritis pain.

Adding these food items to your food regimen helps in reducing joint inflammation that makes day-to-day activities difficult when you have arthritis. Besides tackling the immediate symptoms, these food items also enhance the overall bone and joint health so as to reduce pain caused during physical activities.